Sunday, November 30, 2008

The mist descends...

Pretty self-explanatory eh? This was last night when it was freezing!! Was so misty when I headed out, you couldn't see any buildings in the distance...was almost as if Glasgow had been swallowed up. Why would I be out in such god-forsaken weather, you ask? Well, I was bored and X-factor was on. Since my flat doesn't have a televison, I had to head over to my sis' place...can't complain least it helped cure my boredom.

This was about a week ago, i think. Got woken up at 2am in the morning by excited screams from the girls in the next building. The first snowfall in Glasgow...although it didn't last long and left no traces in the morning. Oh well, we can't have it good all the time. Still have plenty of time to experience more snow...

And now, we're creeping into December. Christmas spirit, the end of the year and the start of 2009. A time of reflection and memories...blah blah blah. 2008's been good for well as bad in many ways. Bring on 2009 and the surprises in store. I'm ready for them! Man, two more weeks and I'll be fed excellent cuisine along with my family and access to entertainment. It can't get any better than that...Have a good December, everyone! I know most of you are done with exams so have fun till the start of the new year...You deserve it!! Till next time...

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