Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The winds of change

I watch as the little green leaf gets tossed about
by this turbulent force of nature.
I know that it is imminent and omnipresent
so I brace myself to withstand it's awesome power.
Opening my lungs, I inhale deeply
as the cold stinging wind assaults my face.
It invigorates me, it urges me on, it brings me joy, me hope.....
Facing my back to it propels me forward,
quicker and with a greater purpose.
Meeting it head-on gives me a rush,
a battle on an elemental level.
The challenge ignites the recklessness and restless spirit within me.
I yearn to let it lead me to the heavens.
Yet, I am unable to fly...
perhaps only in my dreams...
So I walk this walk with my brothers and sisters,
and see where the wind takes me...

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